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picture1_The Environment Pdf 50831 | Environment Keysheet 2 Trade

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File: The Environment Pdf 50831 | Environment Keysheet 2 Trade
trade and environment this key sheet is part of a series of awareness raising tools developed by irish aid to accompany its environment policy for sustainable development irish aid key ...

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...Trade and environment this key sheet is part of a series awareness raising tools developed by irish aid to accompany its policy for sustainable development strategies implementing the are i mainstreaming where recognised as critical taken into account in all policies programmes activities funding decisions ii partnership works with national governments multilateral organisations international agencies civil society contribute first step understand how linked challenge or sector you responsible we explain suggest sources additional information more detailed guidelines on will at later date matters because it can accelerate use natural resources exacerbate poor environmental practices facilitate transfer environmentally sound technologies introduction regulation promote higher income right place could be translated demand better women selling food market accra ghana impacts related which turn increase pressure ecosystems see box central global economy has friendly grown factor since than...

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