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picture1_Project On Ecosystem Pdf 50690 | A Bo677e

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File: Project On Ecosystem Pdf 50690 | A Bo677e
united nations environment programme global environment facility project document section 1 project identification 1 1 title of sub programme international waters 8 waterbody based operational programme 1 2 project title ...

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...United nations environment programme global facility project document section identification title of sub international waters waterbody based operational protection the canary current large marine ecosystem lme number pms gf imis gfl geographical scope regional west africa multi country cape verde guinea bissau mauritania morocco senegal and gambia execution food agriculture organization fao in collaboration with secretariats commission sous regionale des peches ministerial conference on fisheries co operation among african states bordering atlantic ocean abidjan convention secretariat iucn unido noaa duration months commencing april completion september cost us dollars to gef pdf b total financing unep kind gpa governments csrp summary primary objective this activity is preparation a transboundary diagnostic analysis tda identify principal shared problems their root causes as well national particularly priorities region will provide basis for subsequent development an agreed strategi...

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