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picture1_Environmental Science Pdf 50541 | Esnrstandards2009

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File: Environmental Science Pdf 50541 | Esnrstandards2009
environmental science and natural resources career cluster environmental and natural resources cluster big idea sustaining life through the management of natural resources cluster enduring understandings life is dynamic natural resources ...

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...Environmental science and natural resources career cluster big idea sustaining life through the management of enduring understandings is dynamic are global economic systems human decisions affect sustainability serve a multifaceted to sustain or improve quality studying provides for lifetime knowledge skills essential questions what how industries why considered process does study help develop in ways do enhance standard statement students will agriculture its relationship delaware standards agriscience education esnr performance element enr recognize importance need protection indicator identify distinguish between resource processes basic proficient advanced explain components analyze impacts humans on research monitoring plan inquire about hydrologic cycle forest topic succession soil formation carbon nutrient cycles etc effects catastrophic conduct activity events mismanagement including land define watershed boundaries interrelationships evaluate results related among watersheds i...

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