File: Environmental Crisis Pdf 50478 | 2 L Centemeri 22 11
z abstract the economic concept of negative externalities is the dominant frame in environmental policies revisiting environmental damage with a sociological approach i show how the process of externalities definition ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Abstract the economic concept of negative externalities is dominant frame in environmental policies revisiting damage with a sociological approach i show how process definition and internalisation political which public constituted common problems are collectively defined addressed particular highlight presence this two kinds uncertainty have to be dealt epistemic moral keeping these forms analytically separated useful order understand limits market as way internalize analyse their specificities different types translation mediation composition needed create conditions for truly inclusive democratic deliberation on its reparation key words michel callon william k kapp laurent thevenot terms such crisis issue or simply environment gained currency indicating collection deprived any stable univocal criterion inclusion climate change pollution natural technological risks toxic waste species extinction exhaustion resources address manifestations problem neoclassical economics resorts just o...