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picture1_Environmental Assessment Pdf 50398 | 24434 Item Download 2022-08-19 21-53-11

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File: Environmental Assessment Pdf 50398 | 24434 Item Download 2022-08-19 21-53-11
international conference on education management and computing technology icemct 2015 carbon footprint analysis and reductive project evaluation of iron making enterprise based on lca 1 a 1 b 1 c ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...International conference on education management and computing technology icemct carbon footprint analysis reductive project evaluation of iron making enterprise based lca a b c d kaiming liang yun zhang jinhua li chenchen zhao key laboratory industrial ecology environmental engineering moe school science dalian university linggong road china kennightbrother com zhangyun dlut edu cn lijinhua mail zhaochenchen keywords life cycle assessment global warming potential reduce emission abstract there is great significance to analyze process its impact since enterprises generate massive greenhouse gas in this paper the type referred was applied for each production blast furnace has largest contribution followed by sintering according seven reduction projects were carried out series afterwards used evaluate benefits introduction climate become focus attention society caused gases as emitter annual emissions co reaches more than million ton chinese integrated steel accounting about nation while...

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