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picture1_Environmental Sustainability Pdf 50373 | Ppj017097 Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2021 2026

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File: Environmental Sustainability Pdf 50373 | Ppj017097 Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2021 2026
2021 2026 strategy environmental sustainability strategy contents foreword message message from our ceo 3 airservices environmental sustainability strategy 2021 2026 4 from our ceo who we are 5 onnecting eople ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Strategy environmental sustainability contents foreword message from our ceo airservices who we are onnecting eople with their orld safely context aviation generates economic growth creates jobs and facilitates international trade tourism it is essential in supporting global social fabric cohesion linking family friends industry allowing people to experience other cultures communities places whilst the impact of i pandemic has had a significant on will rebound collective vision society s expectations relation protection evolving impacts aircraft emissions noise reliance natural resources increasingly being called out at both national community level response seeking improve its also looking address disruption which likely flow exponential increase nmanned erial pillars ehicles e g drones ustralia airspace manager manage world delivering ir raffic anagement viation escue ire ighting services an integral part ecosystem uniue position facilitate flight paths for users enable fuel burn red...

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