pune vidyarthi griha s college of science technology unit test 2020 f y bcom semester i subject environmental studies i date a multiple choice questions 1 the word environment is ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Pune vidyarthi griha s college of science technology unit test f y bcom semester i subject environmental studies date a multiple choice questions the word environment is derived from french environ that means to encompass b circle c surrounding d nearby my farm located very close perennial stream an example location absolute relative relief components are all living things or their materials directly indirectly affect organism in its biotic abiotic cultural physical develops as result economic activities developed by man socio technological earth broken into many pieces called plates inner core mantle outercore crust process and fission creates enormous heat which has be controlled carefully atomic fusion reaction radioactivity isotopes occur due gravitational pull moon hydro power hydel tidal energy solar depends upon temperature evaporation percolation precipitation runoff fast increase creation species birth rate total fertility population explosion age sex structure there high but ...