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picture1_Plastic Pollution Pdf 49834 | Marpol Commitments Web Rev

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Plastic Pollution Pdf 49834 | Marpol Commitments Web Rev

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Marine pollution indonesia commits to reduce waste by and manage properly of total generation in as stated presidential regulation no reducing is done through prevention recycling reusing including plastic bag restriction community based composting bank then improve handling this land approach aim prevent litter s leakage the ocean declares national plan action combat debris which involved ministries local governments private sectors ngos with planed budget usd billion other countries under east asia summit would declare eas leader statement on combating minimum inter boundaries will use collected from substitute bitumen asphalt for construction road starting addition build infrastructure landfill processing ministry environment civil society ngo promote government act stop using modern market japan allocated million a monitoring technology international cooperation asian announced allocation launch webgis mda situational indication linkages msil early able collect share related inform...

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