File: Building Pdf 49629 | Air Examples Projects Oct2020
examples of green investments in the sector of air 1 in respect of air these examples demonstrate implementation of the following investment priorities promoting energy efficiency and clean solutions domestic ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Examples of green investments in the sector air respect these demonstrate implementation following investment priorities promoting energy efficiency and clean solutions domestic heating district non combustible renewable sources smart systems grids storage set up emission monitoring at industrial facilities generating publicly available real time data support planning to reduce pollution e g establishing low zones sustainable multimodal urban mobility effective plans areas cleaner towards zero public transport private vehicles both for people goods direct measures prevent water respecting polluter pays principle state aid guidelines i by implementing allowing go beyond minimum performance levels bat this includes also testing deploying emerging breakthrough technologies capacity building actions improving prevention control enforcement including accidents reducing emissions from agriculture ammonia methane through farming practices relevant on farm off benefits projects reside not nece...