02 february 2006 wetland ecosystems and human well being the fifth report released by the millennium ecosystem assessment considers the links between wetlands and related ecosystems and human well being ...
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...February wetland ecosystems and human well being the fifth report released by millennium ecosystem assessment considers links between wetlands related it highlights urgent need to manage trade offs agricultural production water use land biodiversity in order assure a more sustainable management of services they provide humanity recently was designed for ramsar convention on meet information about consequences change its main objective strengthen link scientific knowledge decision making conservation wise titled synthesis this covers wide range including rice fields estuaries mangroves seagrass beds lakes rivers marshes coastal regions depth meters at low tide level findings are summarised as following estimated cover minimum million hectares global scale many that contribute poverty alleviation most important ones include fish supply availability purification detoxification wastes climate regulation mitigation flood than developed countries were destroyed during th century types worldw...