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picture1_Ethiopian Environmental Policy Pdf 49611 | Environmental And Social Management Framework

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File: Ethiopian Environmental Policy Pdf 49611 | Environmental And Social Management Framework
federal democratic republic of ethiopia public disclosure authorizedpublic disclosure authorized ministry of water irrigation and electricity public disclosure authorizedpublic disclosure authorized urban water supply sanitation project phase ii public disclosure ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Federal democratic republic of ethiopia public disclosure authorizedpublic authorized ministry water irrigation and electricity urban supply sanitation project phase ii environmental social management framework final authorizedmay addis ababa second uwssp abbreviations acronyms aawsa sewerage authority pio implementation office crge climate resilient green economy cse conservation strategy ea assessment e c ethiopian calendar efdr ehs mp environment health safety plan eia impact epa protection epe policy esa auditing esia esmf esmp ess screening essf form fdre goe government gtp growth transformation hse mdgs millennium development goals moef forest moefcc change moudh housing mowie nrw non revenue op operational world bank ownp cwa one wash national consolidated account repa regional pap affected persons pcr physical cultural resources pim manual pmp pesticide pmu unit rpf resettlement i sd sustainable sdgs tor terms reference tot training trainers transip transport systems improvemen...

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