File: Environmental Development Pdf 49570 | R22683
issn 1692 8156 environmental degradation and human rights abuses does the refugee convention confer protection to environmental refugees rocca sa l c e d o me sa abs t r ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Issn environmental degradation and human rights abuses does the refugee convention confer protection to refugees rocca sa l c e d o me abs t r a article deals with impact of multinational companies in indigenous territories situation that is creating new kind casualty development highly contribute violation inter alias right life health vulnerable social groups displacement affects millions de people likely affect many more near future they have no official status international community should respond humanitarian concerns environmentally threat posed ecepcion agosto by indiscriminate actions transnational this questions absence non relief fecha rfecha aceptacion octubrassistance for consequently it abogada la universidad externado colombia especialista en derecho familia pontificia javeriana master publico internacional melbourne australia actualmente es investigadora del departamento contacto salcedomesa pgrad unimelb edu au roccasalcedo hotmail com int law rev colomb bogota n novie...