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picture1_Building Pdf 49499 | Who Workplan On Climate Change And Health 2008 2013

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File: Building Pdf 49499 | Who Workplan On Climate Change And Health 2008 2013
sixty second world health assembly a62 11 provisional agenda item 12 7 6 march 2009 climate change and health report by the secretariat 1 there is a strong and growing ...

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...Sixty second world health assembly a provisional agenda item march climate change and report by the secretariat there is strong growing global scientific consensus that warming of system fact affecting human in view evidence first its resolution wha requested director general inter alia to consult member states on preparation workplan for scaling up who s technical support assessing addressing implications systems accordingly was prepared through consultative process building regional committee resolutions frameworks action further incorporating suggestions from submitted electronically meeting attended countries nominated directors geneva october resulting proposed reviewed amended executive board at th session january framework taking into account climates cultures socioeconomic development status vulnerability across it organized around four objectives central focus environmental risks i e under strategic objective but several actions require incorporation considerations other work ...

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