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picture1_Environmental Development Pdf 49398 | Ethiopia01

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File: Environmental Development Pdf 49398 | Ethiopia01
federal democratic republic of ethiopia environmental policy environmental protection authority in collaboration with the ministry of economic development and cooperation addis ababa april 2 1997 1 table of contents i ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Federal democratic republic of ethiopia environmental policy protection authority in collaboration with the ministry economic development and cooperation addis ababa april table contents i resource base need for a he atural esource ase ural nvironment t n r b e rban u ultural eritage c h eed olicy on p ii goal objectives guiding principles verall oal o g pecific bjectives s ey uiding rinciples k iii sectoral policies oil usbandries ustainable griculture orest oodland ree esources f w enetic pecies cosystem iodiversity water resources nergy mineral uman ettlements nvironmental ealth ontrol azardous aterials ollution rom ndustrial m waste tmospheric limate hange iv cross environment opulation ommunity articipation enure ccess ights to l se lan ocial ender ssues conomics nformation ystem esearch mpact ssessment eia ducation wareness v implementation nstitutional ramework esponsibilities andates egislative onitoring valuation eview natura...

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