termination of lease and surrender agreement note this form is used by a property manager or landlord when the tenant returns possession of the leased premises and no further obligations ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Termination of lease and surrender agreement note this form is used by a property manager or landlord when the tenant returns possession leased premises no further obligations remain between to mutually terminate release from any obligation liability under date at california items left blank unchecked are not applicable facts mutual pertains following dated entered into as regarding real estate referred agree above referenced cancelled terminates on quit in consideration for cancellation each other all claims known unknown arising out pay before sum s entering subject performance conditions clearance encumbrances leasehold fixture improvements title etc see attached addendum rental subtenant contingent upon execution an amendment sublease with terms acceptable b waiver favor waive rights provided section civil code which provides general does extend creditor know suspect exist his her time executing if him must have materially affected settlement debtor i stated signature page agent ad...