parental leave notification form who can use this template employees may be able to take parental leave when a child is born or adopted they can take continuous parental leave ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Parental leave notification form who can use this template employees may be able to take when a child is born or adopted they continuous and flexible an employee notify their employer of update the details any that intend how complete in below explanatory information shown blue assist you deleted once have completed for more about visit www fairwork gov au parentalleave fair work ombudsman committed providing with advice rely on contained general nature if are unsure it applies your situation call our infoline speak union industry association workplace relations professional last updated january s first name position contact phone number notice relates maternity paternity adoption section filled provided at least weeks before starting t given should as soon practicable ask evidence support pregnant continues during week period expected date birth fit whether regular duties continue entitlements obligations start end total days provide such medical certificate where requested will i app...