File: Letter Pdf 48411 | Letter Of Appointment Scott Forbes
docusign envelope id 0004639a 8cbc 4245 be15 2acba87a708a strictly private and confidential senior independent director appointment letter scott forbes 44 cranley gardens flat 1 london sw7 3de 17 february 2021 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Docusign envelope id a cbc be acbaaa strictly private and confidential senior independent director appointment letter scott forbes cranley gardens flat london sw de february dear i am writing to set out the terms of agreement which we have reached in relation your proposed as non executive auction technology group plc company will for an initial term three years unless otherwise terminated earlier by at discretion either party upon one month s written notice or automatically accordance with paragraph below it is acknowledged that has been established order facilitate admission whole ordinary share capital issued premium segment official list financial conduct authority ii trading on stock exchange main market listed securities subject articles association amended from time nothing this shall taken exclude vary they apply you continued also election shareholders next annual general meeting agm re any subsequent if there conflict between then prevail provision frc uk corporate governance...