File: Letter Pdf 48335 | Sponsorship Request Letter Young Boys C
young boys f c 86 fred louw street louwville 7380 sponsorship request letter dear sir madam let me take this opportunity to introduce you to the young boys youth soccer ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Young boys f c fred louw street louwville sponsorship request letter dear sir madam let me take this opportunity to introduce you the youth soccer team we are a newly established from vredenburg area strongly in support of development skills as well encouraging positive involvement society offering an local businesses like yours become sponsors your contribution will be targeted exclusively it help with kits balls and training equipments so that can fully participate order continue make rewarding experience reality for our reaching out family friends by becoming or club sponsor while any level select greatly appreciated donation full kit earn proud photo display on office wall business logo shirts valuable marketing tool please moment review see if fits budget respectfully mihlali tapi manager whatsapp call e mail mihlalitapi gmail com...