instruction guide paying vendors using fax imaging in vouchers overview after saving the voucher fax the invoice and paperwork to the fax server at 352 846 1020 which will scan ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Instruction guide paying vendors using fax imaging in vouchers overview after saving the voucher invoice and paperwork to server at which will scan within minutes attach a link page for viewing images of then be ready approval by disbursements or offices steps cover button appear on click have system create printable sheet with barcode containing specific information print it out as documentation directly updated february training organizational development uf human resources university florida gainesville fl receives into myufl when are no replaced image additional tips only once get successful submission receipt from your machine any errors reviewed office staff who contact you if needed receive new this add that multiple processing one time stack material long each s is separated appropriate identifying follow may all more refer directives procedures finance accounting supporting http fa ufl edu uco handbook asp doc further assistance please email...