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picture1_73 Item Download 2022-08-19 00-34-18

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File: 73 Item Download 2022-08-19 00-34-18
do not open this question booklet until you are asked to do so version code subject code 73 booklet sr no a question booklet computer literacy time allowed 1 hours ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Do not open this question booklet until you are asked to so version code subject sr no a computer literacy time allowed hours maximum marks instructions immediately after the commencement of examination before writing in omr sheet should check that does have any unprinted or torn missing pages questions etc if get it replaced by complete available series write and encode clearly register number b c d as case may be appropriate space provided for purpose answer also ensure candidate s signature invigilator columns properly filled please note is responsibility fill these particulars omission discrepancy will render liable rejection enter your box alongside anything else on contains each four responses choices options select which want mark feel there more than one correct response consider most choose only wrong deducted all marked separate black blue ballpoint pen see carry equal attempt sheets rough work appended at end make marking other part final bell indicating conclusion stop maki...

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