incident and or property damage report this form is to be completed when a non employee is involved in an incident accident and or property damage occurs at an a ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 18 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Incident and or property damage report this form is to be completed when a non employee involved in an accident occurs at s event within facility please forward human resources assistant director section nature of information date time am pm department activity program specific site personal injury volunteer complete workers compensation paperwork n description describe how did it occur who what was etc provide only factual accounts observations if applicable equipment vessel cf structural i e building windows year make model furnishings chair mirror file owner cabinet occupants other vehicle license plate cont name phone address city state zip mail witnesses list witness contact below should able written statement attach on separate page no special format required first last title number remarks additional regarding the illness that you believe important follow up by supervisor associate prepared once submit your for review processing supervisory send rev...