internal moderation form internal moderation form for coursework exam scripts excluding dissertations part 1 to be completed by block leader year term modular assessment block code and title type of ...
Filetype Word DOCX | Posted on 18 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Internal moderation form for coursework exam scripts excluding dissertations part to be completed by block leader year term modular assessment code and title type of assignment weighting example overall grade distribution marked work band no cohort students a b c d e f total any additional comments g on student performance this together with all indicative model answers criteria is passed the moderator who will select sample guidelines at least including examples from every fails chosen please note how many in each i have moderated above find marks use range tick box appropriate issues address clarification required questions comment quality feedback provided which should include what was done well specific v maintained assurance owned uec unclassified location https intra brunel ac uk s qso team exams could improved can improve their future applicable other assessments clear explanations where poor understanding module response further discussion if actions or changes name date return...