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picture1_Handover Guidelines Unhcr

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File: Handover Guidelines Unhcr
definition of the coordination body example emergency shelter sector type of emergency month and year country handover unhcr to agency to which the handover is made emergency shelter coordination to ...

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...Definition of the coordination body example emergency shelter sector type month and year country handover unhcr to agency which is made early recovery purpose description transfer responsibilities from another organization this could be written as follows document aims describe established for response name operation united nations high commissioner refugees taking over activity has been in accordance with iasc guidance note on using cluster approach strengthen humanitarian acknowledges mandate being limited solely phase background issues included objective data available disaster date impact physical infrastructures geographic areas affected quantification victims mention sources structures activated decision process deploy team dates deployment so far main tasks implemented achievements drafting approval a strategy joint assessments sags twigs its results etc enumerate tools created by website im sheets establishment performance system flag that require special attention or need foll...

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