[The Information Management Officer/Specialist Handover Report is meant to facilitate a smooth handover/transition of IM process, activities and functions from one person to another. The aim of the handover report ...
Filetype Word DOCX | Posted on 18 Aug 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Information management officer specialist handover report name official title nutrition supervisor s date started end submitted contents overview of the main tasks background cluster structure documents description im processes and tools who does what when regarding links with other clusters government agencies lessons learned challenges constraints follow up action next steps recommendations please include a bullet point summary imo as detailed in tor expected outputs provide brief context emergency response country was clusterized affected people activated which sector needs resources gaps specifically on coordination mechanism leadership or co for national policy strategy lead partners sub number contact details staff both at levels various technical working groups twgs taskforces their chairs how is system structured are allocated shared among agency cla if section programme have dedicated yes his her role vis diagrams maps to aid reporting lines accountability within frequency all...