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picture1_Effective Presentation Ppt 46988 | Csdmeetings

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File: Effective Presentation Ppt 46988 | Csdmeetings
planning for effective meetings planning what do you want from the meeting what do you need to achieve notifying people who is invited set a date and time preparation make ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 18 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Planning for effective meetings what do you want from the meeting need to achieve notifying people who is invited set a date and time preparation make an agenda decide needs be decided discussed advise allow each item continued processes controlling understanding roles keeping record notes with action items decisions chairperson convenor prepares runs ensures stays on track secretary recorder keeps minutes during writes them up after participants have say stay involved listen other quorum number of required present at before valid decision can made achieved school council if not less than one half members currently holding office are majority det employees parent member also employee counted as representative purposes in event tied vote presiding has second or casting responsibilities send apology unable attend without interrupting understand think speak don t sake it fair your criticism sure s been...

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