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picture1_Meet The Team Ppt 46758 | Global It Class10

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File: Meet The Team Ppt 46758 | Global It Class10
building the dispersed team building trust trust means placing confidence in another s character ability strength and reliability trust is essential if people are to depend upon each other to ...

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...Building the dispersed team trust means placing confidence in another s character ability strength and reliability is essential if people are to depend upon each other meet commitments a complex thing develop it take time while co located members can built through formal informal face interactions distance an impediment trusting relationships importantly different culture at rates low context vs high cultures tuckman model of forming storming norming performing gets together know clarifies roles figures out tasks objectives conflicts breaks over task allocations leaders official or otherwise pursuing goals begins form norms protocols for working some cohesion may begin perform well towards common goal handled constructively theory swift occur when assume that like themselves have been filtered competence e g temporary teams such as film crews etc set aside their suspicions swiftly get into role addressing hand global managers engage legitimization by highlighting reputation professiona...

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