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picture1_Information Ppt 46681 | Ppt Ueu Survey Konsumsi Pangan Pertemuan 8

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File: Information Ppt 46681 | Ppt Ueu Survey Konsumsi Pangan Pertemuan 8
visi dan misi universitas esa visi dan misi universitas esa unggul unggul kemampuan akhir yang diharapkan mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan prinsip food frequency questionnaire methods for measuring food consumption 4 ffq ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 18 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Visi dan misi universitas esa unggul kemampuan akhir yang diharapkan mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan prinsip food frequency questionnaire methods for measuring consumption ffq principles and uses two types qualitative semi quantitative principle assesses energy or nutrient intake by determining how frequently a person consumes limited number of foods that are major sources nutrients particular dietary components in question during specified time period typically months to year provide data on habitual intakes selected certain groups specific combination can be used as predictors non provided the concentrated relatively small e g vitamin c predicted from fresh fruits fruit juice often designed gain information about aspects diet such fats vitamins minerals other may less well characterized list approximately individual items important contributors interest should feature simple defined categories avoid use open ended questions usually self administered easy complete study subjects rely assu...

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