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File: Economicwellbeingreferencetableq42019
sheet 1 index reference tables economic wellbeing q4 2019 index tab source whole economy production and income 1 ons household income 2 ons distribution of income 3 ons household spending ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 18 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet index reference tables economic wellbeing q tab source whole economy production and income ons household distribution of spending wealth quarterly net financial per head unemployment inflation eurobarometer consumer confidence european commission gfk gross domestic product gdp ndp population estimates real national disposable rnndi abmi ihxw mwb ebaq pound million persons thousands cvm market prices seasonally adjusted notes is an aggregate measure equal to the sum value added all resident institutional units engaged in plus any taxes minus subsidies on products not included their outputs for changes depreciation a country s capital goods available residents uk which differs from mainly due adjustments ndash such as daytoday wear tear vehicles machinery flows with rest world inwardincome earned by investors assets overseas outwardincome foreign earn rhdi rgahdi rnhadi cryb crsf deflated office statistics amount money households have spend consumption or save invest after insuranc...

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