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...Sheet onp fixed inputs guidance parameters prices capitalisation rates pretax wacc enter dno specific figure losses pound mwh beis traded carbon price central httpsassetspublishingservicegovukgovernmentuploadssystemuploadsattachment datafileupdated shortterm values for modelling purposespdf discount rate lt years hmrc green book see factors spreadsheet standard tab datafilethe bookpdf cost per litre oil gt datafilediscount factorsxlsx ci s interruption safety health cml minute lost assumed asset life fatality m httpwwwhsegovukeconomicseauappraisalhtm non fatal injury httpwwwhsegovukstatisticscosthtm decarbonisation of electricity assumptionpower sector emissions are anticipated to reduce gkwh by assume a linear pathway from until power pa between now and beyond keep at kg tonne kwh g cpih index calendar year average coe defra t ghg conversion factor tonnes regulatory fy...