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picture1_Pssa2 I5

 151x       Filetype XLSX       File size 0.06 MB       Source: emits.esa.int

Pssa2 I5

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 17 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet instructions for completing the company price breakdown form pss a and exhibits is to be completed by tenderer each of his subcontractors regardless type under which tender submitted whenever proposed participate more than one subcontract shall complete every purpose this has been designed provide agency with as calculated individual well summary calculation overall total general notes nbsp reserves right audit rsquo s data on in accordance provisions clauses conditions esa contracts b when calculating identical rates overheads internal facilities cost etc stated are used c exhibit all contributors items item applicable d annex represents travel plan e where exchange rate conversion national currency euro declared x f never mix different companies any aggregated show detail responsible recall its g if use costing software ecos required ittrfq annexes printed using project file included documentation h central email address available clarifications regarding forms their esaint hea...

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