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File: Jurnal Pendidikan Pdf 46048 | Self Confident
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icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 17 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Home about login register search current archives announcements editorial team policy publishing system indexing author select language guidlines fees contact font size jurnal penelitian pendidikan jpp is one of the media for dissemination information research results in eld education which aims to communicate various studies that can serve as basis scientic development create educational innovation emphasized on improving quality a change name from warta rst published october then changed mimbar with issn and since p x e by lembaga dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat lppm universitas indonesia journal content scope all browse issue title other journals user username password has been indexed remember me notifications view subscribe readers authors librarians keywords arti kehidupan crosslingual semantic similarity kesamaan semantik pln mobile pointwise...

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