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File: Gizi Pdf 45933 | 94784 Id None
189 journal of nutrition college volume 4 nomor 2 tahun 2015 halaman 189 194 journal of nutrition college volume 4 nomor 2 tahun 2015 online di http ejournal s1 undip ...

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...Journal of nutrition college volume nomor tahun halaman online di http ejournal s undip ac id index php jnc hubungan indeks massa tubuh dan asupan asam lemak jenuh dengan rasio ldl hdl serum lansia karunia agustin nurrul affanti aryu candra k program studi ilmu gizi fakultas kedokteran universitas diponegoro jl dr sutomo no semarang telp email gizifk abstract background increasing prevalence overweight in the elderly followed by incidence coronary heart disease which is influenced high fat food consumption ratio most precise indicator to predict this study aimed investigate relationship between body mass indexes and saturated fatty acid intake with group method was a cross sectional that included pwri south subject selected based on inclusion criteria minimum sample subjects data were obtained from frequency questionnaire ffq analysis pearson spearman test used determine multivariate for linear regression result status assessment resulted normal underweight low there significant conclu...

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