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picture1_Jurnal Pendidikan Pdf 45923 | 339550 Meningkatkan Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar C98b602b

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File: Jurnal Pendidikan Pdf 45923 | 339550 Meningkatkan Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar C98b602b
jurnal pendidikan indonesia vol 2 no 1 januari 2021 p issn 2745 7141 e issn 2746 1920 pendidikan meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa melalui model pembelajaran index card match ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 17 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Jurnal pendidikan indonesia vol no januari p issn e meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa melalui model pembelajaran index card match pada pelajaran matematika ai muflihah madrasah tsanawiyah negeri kabupaten tangerang banten email aimuflihah gmail com info artikel abstract diterima this study aims to test the application of thelearning in order increase motivation and dalam bentuk learning achievement students mathematics research review is focused on material integer count operations studied by grade vii at regency odd semester school revisi year method a type classroom action carried out several cycles with descriptive keywords quantitative qualitative data analysis techniques increased were obtained from observations outcomes process activities while student results showed an class mts lessons arithmetic researcher concluded that applying active was able symbol should support encourage teachers any subject especially create creative innovative so will be more enthusiastic m...

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