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picture1_Learning Pdf 45580 | Human Resource Management Mba 204

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File: Learning Pdf 45580 | Human Resource Management Mba 204
unit 1 introduction to hrm introduction to hrm notes structure 1 1 learning objectives 1 2 introduction 1 3 meaning and nature of hrm 1 4 scope of hrm 1 ...

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...Unit introduction to hrm notes structure learning objectives meaning and nature of scope importance evolution systems approach competitive advantage strategic human resource management traditional hr versus dimensions personnel difference between functions a manager responsibilities as profession steps for sound growth the man change agent value context in india modern challenges opportunities impact globalization on trends self material implementing global system summary glossary review questions further readings after studying chapter students will be able zzunderstand zzknow zzdiscuss how evolved basic roles assumed by practices contemporary zzlist faced managers times implement extract best out people organization must provide healthy work climate where they can exploit their talents fully while realizing goals assigned them have requisite skills handle jobs competent way above all get managed well this requires leadership is play critical role bridging gaps employees expectations ...

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