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picture1_Human Resource Management 15th Edition 44934 | Principles Of Human Resource Management

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File: Human Resource Management 15th Edition 44934 | Principles Of Human Resource Management
principles of human resource management product details paperback 821 pages author scott snell george w bohlander publisher south western 15th edition 2010 language english isbn 9780324593303 product description introduce your ...

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...Principles of human resource management product details paperback pages author scott snell george w bohlander publisher south western th edition language english isbn description introduce your students to all aspects as you demonstrate how hr impacts and can empower both individuals organizations with this market leading practical text s popular resources e international builds upon a foundation research theory an inviting framework that focuses on today most critical issues current practices the book engaging writing style strong visual design use more than memorable examples from variety real illustrate key points connect concepts practice fresh cases throughout spotlight latest developments trends while hands applications focus tips suggestions for success integrated learning system comprehensive package including new teaching assistance manual provide effectively look leader help develop competencies understand tomorrow create sustainable competitive advantage through people about...

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