small bus econ https doi org 10 1007 s11187 020 00357 5 employee compensation and new venture performance does benefit type matter christopher j boudreaux accepted 16 april 2020 springerscience ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Small bus econ https doi org s employee compensation and new venture performance does benefit type matter christopher j boudreaux accepted april springerscience business media llc part of springer nature abstract usinginsightsfromstrategichumanresource jelcodes l m management weexaminehowemployeebenefitsaffect we hypothesize that two categories benefits affect introduction might do so differently promote sta bility flexibility using data from it is now widely acknowledged human capital a the kauffman firm survey find ventures viable source sustainable competitive advantage for provide stability healthcare plans tuition pfeffer prahalad wright et al reimbursement retirement have lower rates youndt organizations invest in hu exit higher odds earning profit conversely man through high involvement work practices firms guthrie financial packages stock ownership bonus pay resource hr to motivate organizational citi paid sick vacation leave not zenship kehoe ultimately im but with exception o...