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picture1_Rules Pmsby

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File: Rules Pmsby
rules for the pradhan mantri suraksha bima yojana details of the scheme the scheme will be a one year cover renewable from year to year accident insurance scheme offering accidental ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Rules for the pradhan mantri suraksha bima yojana details of scheme will be a one year cover renewable from to accident insurance offering accidental death and disability or on account an would offered administered through public sector general companies psgics other willing offer product similar terms with necessary approvals tie up banks this purpose participating free engage any such company implementing their subscribers scope coverage all savings bank holders in age years entitled join case multiple saving accounts held by individual different person eligible only aadhar primary kyc enrollment modality period shall stretching st june may which option pay auto debit designated prescribed forms required given every extendable august initial initially launch joining extended govt india another three months i e th november subsequently payment full annual premium possible specified however applicants give indefinite longer enrolment subject continuation as revised basis past experienc...

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