financial services authority final notice to combined insurance company of america cica fsa reference number 202081 address combined house 15 wheatfield way kingston upon thames surrey kt1 2pa date 16 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Financial services authority final notice to combined insurance company of america cica fsa reference number address house wheatfield way kingston upon thames surrey kt pa date december action for the reasons given in this hereby imposes a penalty million on agreed settle at an early stage s investigation and therefore qualified discount under executive settlement procedures were it not would have imposed summary has taken due breaches following principles businesses principle management control customers interests these took place period between april october relevant systemic flow from failure during fully embed culture which recognised importance treating fairly put risk receiving unsuitable advice having their claims complaints handled unfairly failed adequate controls governance arrangements mitigate risks as consequence widespread failings is concerned that may suffered detriment although made any findings regard being sold policies or suffering conduct through independent third ...