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picture1_Human Resource Management Pdf 43794 | 16cp023 Cp442 Hrms

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File: Human Resource Management Pdf 43794 | 16cp023 Cp442 Hrms
human resource management system hrms a project report submitted by gaurav usadadiya 16cp023 in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of b tech computer engineering under the course ...

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...Human resource management system hrms a project report submitted by gaurav usadadiya cp in partial fulfilment for the award of degree b tech computer engineering under course full semester external birla vishvakarma mahavidyalaya college an autonomous institution vallabh vidyanagar affiliated to gujarat technological university ahmedabad academic year v m approval sheet work entitled carried out with id no which was at crest data systems is approved submission fulfillment examiner s name designation date place certificate this certify that embodied titled followings are supervisors institute dr mosin hasan assistant professor prof pranay patel darshak g thakore head department bvm declaration originality i hereby we sole authors and neither any part nor whole has been other or best our knowledge current does not infringe upon anyone copyright violate proprietary rights ideas techniques quotations material from people included published otherwise fully acknowledged accordance standard r...

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