funding program for next generation world leading researchers next program the japan cabinet office intelligent transport system a vision for 21st century cities takayuki ito associate professor computer science school ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Funding program for next generation world leading researchers the japan cabinet office intelligent transport system a vision st century cities takayuki ito associate professor computer science school of techno business director nit center green computing nagoya institute technology policy alternatives research university tokyo nitech ac jp e mail http www itolab dr engineering fellow society promotion jsps visiting researcher usc isi assoc advanced insti sci tech jaist dept cse scholar harvard mit sloan management now prof admin scientist collective intelligence jst prest super challenging type alternative area artificial multi agent systems auction theory mechanism design smart city grid etc prizes and commendation by minister education culture sports young scientists prize information processing soceity nagao special award best paper fifth international joint conference on autonomous agents aamas softoware technoglogy ipa exploratory software creation project creator from japanese to...