File: Dangerous Goods In Aviation Pdf 43563 | 1rcab92
regulation of the civil aviation board issue 92 re transportation of dangerous goods by air by virtue of section 15 6 of the air navigation act b e 2497 1954 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Regulation of the civil aviation board issue re transportation dangerous goods by air virtue section navigation act b e and as amended no approval minister transport hereby issues following requirements in compliance with annex to convention on international safe for adherence aircraft registrant operator personnel public aerodrome interest safety clause these shall be full force effect from day date which they are published government gazette exception provision chapter part operators effective after expiry days internal audit means work operations a unit conducted an official that g auditing training programs various procedures order ensure regulated postal authority thai or agency appointed was granted certificate accordance security cargo technical instructions instruction icao doc issued periodically council organization certification packaging container other components any necessary materials forming specific nature use serious injury person suffered accident such receives medic...