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picture1_Transport And Logistics Pdf 43490 | 11893450 01

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File: Transport And Logistics Pdf 43490 | 11893450 01
no transport planning authority ministry of transport the arab republic of egypt the study on multimodal transport and logistics system of the eastern mediterranean region and master plan in the ...

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...No transport planning authority ministry of the arab republic egypt study on multimodal and logistics system eastern mediterranean region master plan in final report volume main text august japan international cooperation agency nippon koei co ltd katahira engineers ego jr exchange rate us le as june preface response to request form government decided conduct entrusted it jica selected dispatched a team headed by mr akihisa kojima from november december addition held support meetings professor toshinori nemoto hitotsubashi university provide advises during course conducted field surveys discussions data analysis project formation together with officials concerned well other upon retuning prepared this i hope that will contribute development enhancement friendly relationship between our two countries finally wish express my sincere appreciation for their close extended seiichi nagatsuka vice president...

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