sheet 1 home page pension funds in figures june 2021 table 1 assets in pension funds and all retirement vehicles in 2020 preliminary figure 1 real investment rates of return ...
Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet home page pension funds in figures june table assets and all retirement vehicles preliminary figure real investment rates of return dec asset allocation selected categories forecast oecd fund at end q methodological notes source global statistics wwwoecdorgdafpensionsgps wwwoecdorgdafpensionspensionmarkets to the menu countries other jurisdictions change usd million gdp australia albania austria armenia belgium brazil canada bulgaria chile croatia colombia dominican republic costa rica egypt czech georgia denmark ghana estonia guyana finland hong kong china france india germany indonesia greece jamaica hungary kosovo iceland macau ireland malawi israel maldives italy namibia japan north macedonia korea pakistan latvia peru lithuania romania luxembourg russia mexico serbia netherlands suriname new zealand thailand norway trinidad tobago poland ukraine portugal uruguay slovak zimbabwe gt slovenia total spain sweden na switzerland turkey united kingdom states quot means not availabl...