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picture1_Average Market Capitalization Of List Companies During Jan June 2021

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File: Average Market Capitalization Of List Companies During Jan June 2021
average market capitalization of listed companies during the six months ended 30 june 2021 bse 6 month nse 6 month mse 6 month average of categorization as sr no company ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Average market capitalization of listed companies during the six months ended june bse month nse mse categorization as sr no company name isin symbol avg total all per sebi circular cap in exchanges dated oct rs crs cr reliance industries ltd inea large tata consultancy services ineb tcs hdfc bank hdfcbank infosys infy hindustan unilever hindunilvr housing development finance corplt icici icicibank kotak mahindra kotakbank state india sbin bajaj limited bajfinance bharti airtel ined bhartiartl hcl technologies hcltech wipro itc asian paints asianpaint axis axisbank maruti suzuki larsen toubro lt avenue supermarts iner dmart ultratech cement ineg ultracemco adani green energy ineu adanigreen nestle nestleind finserv inei bajajfinsv sun pharmaceutical sunpharma ports and special economic zone inef adaniports life insurance hdfclife oil natural gas corporation ongc titan jsw steel jswsteel zinc hindzinc power grid inee powergrid enterprises adanient auto bajajauto motors tatamotors ntpc t...

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