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picture1_Property Investment Spreadsheet Templates 43091 | Real Estate Investment Analysis

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File: Property Investment Spreadsheet Templates 43091 | Real Estate Investment Analysis
sheet 1 intro forecasting property value workbook example for maegen s magic manor this workbook has been designed to illustrate the process of forecasting the income and value of an ...

icon picture XLS Filetype Excel XLS | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet intro forecasting property value workbook example for maegen s magic manor this has been designed to illustrate the process of income and an investment although its primary function is accompany in text worksheet flexible enough accommodate almost any incomeproducing real estate including nonresidential properties note that individual worksheets are integrated they build upon each other inputs need only be made yellow boxes inserted formulas will make all necessary calculations more indepth explanations numbers used here can found chapters anticipated holding period may from years potential gross rent units monthly input cells type twobedroom purchase price on sale onebedroom studio square feet annual sf estimate increase rents following year fill box if above current adjusted first operations estimated vacancy rates enter as a percentage collectable source dr greg smersh florida state university expenses operating chapter discussed expected at rate except management which egi ta...

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