File: Company Ppt 42991 | Rr Corporate Presentation 10
safe harbour statement safe harbour statement by attending the meeting where this presentation is made or by reading the presentation slides in part or in full you hereby agree to ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Safe harbour statement by attending the meeting where this presentation is made or reading slides in part full you hereby agree to be bound following limitations document does not constitute a prospectus offering circular memorandum has been prepared for information purposes only and should construed directly indirectly an offer invitation recommendation solicitation of buy sell any securities rr financial consultants ltd jurisdiction nor shall all form basis relied on connection with contract investment decision relation company strictly confidential may copied published distributed transmitted person without permission whole medium purpose subject change notice relies obtained from sources believed reliable but guarantee its accuracy completeness makes no representation warranty express implied as accept responsibility liability respect fairness correctness opinion contained unless otherwise specified current date assumes publicly amend modify revise forward looking statements subseq...