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picture1_Agriculture Ppt 42948 | 2 Cop 22 Vvs In Template 1

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File: Agriculture Ppt 42948 | 2 Cop 22 Vvs In Template 1
gujarat india experience innovative extension approach india cop 22 www justclimateaction org innovative extension approach india cop 22 situation analysis gujarat state situated on the western coast of india with ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Gujarat india experience innovative extension approach cop www justclimateaction org situation analysis state situated on the western coast of with diverse topography home to largest desert in country known as rann kutch has all possible handicaps faced by agriculture rain fed recurrent droughts untimely irregular rainfall etc growth rate used be negative during such years a normal year agricultural was not sustainable many parts new extn genesis from onwards witnessed major turnaround this became through an initiative krishi mahotsav villages enhanced per front runner production introduced present prime minister when he chief focus climate resilient and contd action at bottom village individual farmer level selection crops which soil can sustain input assistance poor farmers direct dialogue field functionaries experts provided knowledge technology door steps developed detailed implementation m e framework reviewed closely one month prior monsoon actual actions take place centric i...

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