File: Business Presentation Templates 42920 | Business Model Canvas Template Blank
8 key partnerships 7 key activities 2 value 4 customer relations 1 customer who are our key which key activities what type of relationship does each of our customer segments ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Key partnerships activities value customer relations who are our which what type of relationship does each segments expect partners proposition propositions us to establish and maintain with them for whom we suppliers require ones have established distribution do creating deliver the how they integrated rest business model most channels resources costly important customers acquiring from relationships one s problems examples mass market revenue streams helping solve niche perform personal assistance dedicated self service segmented bundles diversified motivation catergories products services automated partnership production multi sided platform offering communities problem solving optimization segment co creation economy network reduction risk needs through want be uncertainty satisfying reached acquisition particular reaching now characteristics work best newness cost efficient integrating performance routines channel phases customization getting job done awareness raise about company...