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picture1_Standard Ppt 42836 | Cms Pcsp Network Study Industry Briefing Slides 12 12 14

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File: Standard Ppt 42836 | Cms Pcsp Network Study Industry Briefing Slides 12 12 14
background background section 1860d 4 b 1 c of the social security act states that the secretary shall establish rules for convenient access to in network pharmacies that are no ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Background section d b c of the social security act states that secretary shall establish rules for convenient access to in network pharmacies are no less favorable enrollees than tricare requirements as march cms codified standards urban suburban and rural areas regulation at f r a part sponsor may identify within its subset preferred cost sharing pcsp offer lower levels beneficiaries date evaluated standard by reviewing s entire contracted retail without distinguishing between those under statute regulations sponsors must provide uniform benefits including throughout plan service area they also with way does not discourage enrollment residing certain geographic pharmacy is dependent on characteristics approved have miles their residence study purpose number offering plans has grown recent years offered more pdps ma pds call letter stated concern offerings be influencing enroll which do meaningful or we indicated would conduct evaluate continue take appropriate action regarding any of...

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