crowdfunding basics what crowdfunding is the solicitation of growth capital in relatively small amounts from a broad base of providers over the internet types of crowdfunding rewards purchase or pre ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Crowdfunding basics what is the solicitation of growth capital in relatively small amounts from a broad base providers over internet types rewards purchase or pre by customers products promotional items i e mugs t shirts etc recognition founder access largely unregulated raising sale debt equity securities regulated traditional law regime origins laws great depression principal u s governing act regulates offer and exchange requires reporting for public companies trading on exchanges contains key antifraud provisions relating to transactions source regulatory framework that governs brokers dealers other market participants blue sky state if not empted present additional regulations issuances philosophy demand disclosure material information allow investors make informed decisions hold promoters issues accountable us regulators commission federal authority each has its own bureau agency charge finra financial industry self body certain intermediaries such as brokerage firms representati...